Join Sierra Club's Transform Trade Volunteer Team!

The climate impact of NAFTA has been enormous -- it empowered corporate polluters to challenge environmental protections, boosted destructive mining in Mexico, and contributed to the rise of Canada's toxic tar sands industry. Across the country, NAFTA has resulted in job displacement, undermined unions, and pitted working people against each other.

Now Trump's corporate-driven trade agenda threatens to make matters even worse. But there's an alternate vision of trade -- one that respects workers, our communities, and the planet.

Our efforts together have already had a real impact. We defeated the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and have changed the conversation around trade. Whether you signed a petition, attended an event, or wrote a letter to the editor, now it's time to redouble your efforts!

Join our Transform Trade Volunteer Team to get more involved in the fight for fair trade!

Transform Trade


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